Eucharistic exposition is a form of prayer where the Holy Sacrament is shown in a monstrance. It is an answer on the demand of Jesus: ‘ Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?’ (Matthew 26: 40). Through the personal presence of Jesus in the Host, we can relate on a very personal level to God. During each hour of the adoration, a special intention is proposed to pray for. But in the same time we can pray for our personal intentions.
Sunday 24 July 2022 we start with adoration in the Virga Jesse Basilica of Hasselt at 8 pm. The focus of the worship is prayer for new priests for our diocese. "Lord, give us laborers for the harvest."
Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. So ask the lord of the harvest to send laborers for his harvest.' (Matthew 9, 37-38)
In the Virga Jesse Basilica:
8 p.m. for HH Pope Francis
9 p.m. for Mgr Hoogmartens, Bishop of Hasselt
10 p.m. for vocations to the priesthood
11 p.m. for humble priests through the intercession of the H Pastor of Ars
12 p.m. for brilliant priests and good intellectual formation at the seminaries through the intercession of St. Jan Berchmans
1 a.m. that priests may show us the way to the total gift of ourselves, through the intercession of St. Damien of Molokai
2 a.m. For boundless evangelizers, through the intercession of St Francis Xavier
3 a.m. For priests and bishops who vigorously fight the lies, through the intercession of St Servatius of Maastricht, fighter against Arianism.
4 a.m. For priests who show us the Splendor of the Truth through the intercession of St. John Paul II
5 a.m. For priests who work tirelessly for the proclamation of the Gospel in our diocese through the intercession of St. Hubertus and Lambertus
6 a.m. For priests faithful to the Catholic Church through the intercession of St Ignatius of Antioch
7 a.m. For ardent defenders of the Truth and the Catholic Church through the intercession of St. Dominic
8 a.m. For priests with a heart for every person, especially the poor, through the intercession of St Philip Neri
9 a.m. For priests who continue to testify to God's real presence in the Eucharist, through the intercession of St Godfried Coart, martyr of Gorcum, (Godfried van Melveren).
10 a.m. For priests who intercede for each child and show them the way to Paradise, through the intercession of St. Don Bosco
11 a.m. For priests who show us the way to the Sacrament of Confession, through the intercession of Blessed Valentinus van Hasselt
In the Cathedral:
2 pm For many priests for our diocese
3 pm For holy priests for our diocese
4 pm For many holy priests for our diocese
Anyone can participate in this adoration. Registration is not necessary, but is appreciated - especially for the nightly hours - via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.